Sesuatu yang menarik bila terbaca artikel oleh Jon Snow di TimesOnline "Muslim integration has come to a halt". Snow menjelajah Britain mencari bahan untuk filemnya mengenai kontroversi yang dihadapi Britain hari ini: to what extent do Muslims pose a threat to Britain and its values?
Rupa-rupanya komuniti Muslim di Britain masih kuat berpegang pada ajaran Islam. Kalau biasanya orang ingat, bila dah jadi pendatang di UK, generasi kedua dan seterusnya cenderung untuk jadi sekular, kajian Snow menunjukkan sebaliknya. Generasi Muslim di Britain sekarang lebih kental rasa Islamnya dan makin kurang sikap keterbukaannya terhadap perkara perkara yang menyentuh sensitiviti Islam.
Snow membandingkan kajiannya dengan penyelidikan awal yang dijalankan Profesor Tariq Modood dari University of Bristol sebagai bukti bahawa Muslim di Britain semakin terpisah daripada kelompok bukan Muslim. Bahkan Modood menyangkal bahawa orang yang berpegang teguh pada agama hanya datang daripada kawasan terpencil, kurang pendidikan dan berfikiran sempit. Snow dalam artikel ini menyatakan Modood ada fakta yang menunjukkan pelajar pelajar universiti dan mereka yang berpendidikan tinggi berfikiran sama. Mereka memanfaatkan pendidikan bertaraf dunia dari universiti universiti terkenal Britain dan dalam masa yang sama kekal berpegang pada fahaman Islam.
Sejumlah besar pemuda Muslim di Britain, sambung Snow, tidak menerima kebebasan bersuara yang sampai menghina agama Islam. Mereka memilih hidup berlandaskan undang-undang syariah dan garis panduan yang ditetapkan Al-Quran. Salah seorang Muslim yang ditemui Snow mengatakan demokrasi bukan suatu sistem yang berkesan. Katanya undang-undang ciptaan manusia bukanlah jawapan kepada sistem yang adil.
Snow dalam kesimpulannya tidak melabelkan kelompok Muslim yang ditemuinya sebagai pelampau agama. Dia melihat Muslim di Britain lebih cenderung kepada pengasingan akibat kesan yang menimpa saudara seagama di timur tengah. Melihat pembunuhan kejam ke atas mangsa perang yang menyayat hati, Muslim diseluruh dunia berpendapat kerajaan British bersekongkol menyisih dan memberi layanan buruk kepada umat Islam.
Artikel Snow di atas sangat relevan dengan perasaan saya semasa menulis tentang pengalaman tragedi 7 Julai di London. (Cuba baca keseluruhan artikel beliau). Posting saya yang sebelum ini ialah perasaan seorang awam yang seumur hidupnya tidak pernah terancam. Saya tak sepenuhnya menyalahkan attackers. Macam Snow kata... "In our sample, almost one in four said the July 7 bombings were justified in the light of Britain’s support for the war on terror". Bukan juga saya nak berkongsi dengan musuh Islam remembering something significant to them. Sebenarnya seronok merasa pengalaman macam tu. Berapa ramai yang berpeluang kan?
Ia mengingatkan saya untuk cuba gambarkan perasaan penduduk Iraq dan Palestin yang setiap masa berdepan ancaman bom. Kenapa ujian Allah buat mereka sangat berat. We, who live on the other side of the world or wherever we do are not more deserving than them.
Kalau dapat join MERCY bagus kan. Macam yang saya dengar, classmate form five saya
Dr Munawwar Mohamed Hatta ada joined sometimes back (ye ke? ye kot). Adik saya ada terfikir nak apply. Itu baru betul betul strong. Kena kuat tu nak tinggal kat medan perang.
* * *
Komuniti muslim di Britain...
boleh dipertimbangkan ni, untuk settle kat sana.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Remembering London July 7 bombings
On this day, two years ago I was in Paris, happily enjoying my tour without a bit concern as to what was happening in London. Who would have thought there could be such terrible event near you.
I wasn't in London that morning when four suicide bombers attacked three tube trains and a bus. But I was heading back to Guildford around 8:00pm, when I read a notice at the Gare du Nord station in central Paris saying that all London subway systems were shut down due to a serious national security threat. We got stuck at the train station but were able to depart. Still I wasn't aware what was happening at that time.
I had a feeling that people sure put a blame on Muslims. Lucky all the white people in the Eurostar didn't treat us badly though they knew we're Muslims. All I could tell, those people, they took it calmly. We were the ones who freaked out. We speculated among us and we were right, not long after we were in, I got an SMS from Rosediana, that was how I came to know that there were bombings in London. After two and a half hours, the train were approaching Waterloo, it didn't get to enter the central station so easily, we were stuck for quite sometimes.
We did discuss on how to get home safely. Farrah told me to head to Guildford straight, she'd rather I'd be safe than stuck in London. Furthermore, their home was close enough to the event occurred that morning (Edgware Rd). Called up Linda and Trex, they confirmed would be waiting for me at Guildford train station.
I managed to catch a train, that was around 12:30am. My heart beat so fast, I was so scared, I felt like there were bombs all over the train. Why on earth would I want to be here when I was supposed to be sitting in my room at Battersea watching the news... be safe and sound. I couldn't tell more how I felt. I just prayed to God to let me pass that moment.
There was a middle-aged white man in that coach looked like a manager or high exec, he smiled at me. I wore hoodie so I just kept my face down. Reached Guildford half an hour later and first thing I did was called up my mother to tell that I was safe. I knew she couldn't have been more grateful than to hear my voice. I love you mak.
~ whoever did that attacks, whatever reason, they don't have the rights to harm innocent people. Islam does not teach muslims to blow things up. Islam is peace.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, today I'm writing this at home, breathing, alive, with my family around...
I wasn't in London that morning when four suicide bombers attacked three tube trains and a bus. But I was heading back to Guildford around 8:00pm, when I read a notice at the Gare du Nord station in central Paris saying that all London subway systems were shut down due to a serious national security threat. We got stuck at the train station but were able to depart. Still I wasn't aware what was happening at that time.
I had a feeling that people sure put a blame on Muslims. Lucky all the white people in the Eurostar didn't treat us badly though they knew we're Muslims. All I could tell, those people, they took it calmly. We were the ones who freaked out. We speculated among us and we were right, not long after we were in, I got an SMS from Rosediana, that was how I came to know that there were bombings in London. After two and a half hours, the train were approaching Waterloo, it didn't get to enter the central station so easily, we were stuck for quite sometimes.
We did discuss on how to get home safely. Farrah told me to head to Guildford straight, she'd rather I'd be safe than stuck in London. Furthermore, their home was close enough to the event occurred that morning (Edgware Rd). Called up Linda and Trex, they confirmed would be waiting for me at Guildford train station.
I managed to catch a train, that was around 12:30am. My heart beat so fast, I was so scared, I felt like there were bombs all over the train. Why on earth would I want to be here when I was supposed to be sitting in my room at Battersea watching the news... be safe and sound. I couldn't tell more how I felt. I just prayed to God to let me pass that moment.
There was a middle-aged white man in that coach looked like a manager or high exec, he smiled at me. I wore hoodie so I just kept my face down. Reached Guildford half an hour later and first thing I did was called up my mother to tell that I was safe. I knew she couldn't have been more grateful than to hear my voice. I love you mak.
~ whoever did that attacks, whatever reason, they don't have the rights to harm innocent people. Islam does not teach muslims to blow things up. Islam is peace.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, today I'm writing this at home, breathing, alive, with my family around...
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