Monday, December 29, 2008

The Rose

...and the couple

...and family

...part of

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Some burglars broke into my house

Pukul 4:30 pagi tadi Mak tetiba kejut kami dalam bilik kata beg Yong kena kebas, handphone Mak kena curi... Yong lekas lekas telefon 999. Bawak torchlight nak carik perompak tu.

Mira kata dia nampak orangnya, orang tu pun nampak dia. Bila nampak dia terus lari kuar kot tingkap. Bila Yong pusing satu rumah, Yong kata tingkap bilik aku terbuka. Aku check selak kunci tu memang kena umpil.

Satu lagi tingkap kat bilik Takni pun kena umpil. Rupanya dia try bilik aku dulu, tapi tak masuk sebab Yong tengah jaga ngan laptop dia. Imagine kalau aku tido sorang malam tu. La hau la wala quwwata illa billahi 'aliul 'azim. Aku tak mampu membayangkannya. Aku hanya mampu bersyukur pada Tuhan kerana melindungi aku dan seluruh keluarga dari ancaman nyawa pagi tadi. Perompak perompak tu pergi macam tu je.

Kesian Yong la baru kuar duit seribu & Takni sebab bilik dia kena masuk. Kemungkinan 2 orang atau lebih yang masuk tu.

Yang aku kesal sekali, 999 tak membantu, dekat sejam tunggu takde pun polis datang. Yong kata polis reluctant, polis kata Jalan Kebun ni bukan area balai dia. Dia suh tepon nombor lain. Aku teringat aku ada nombor balai Shah Alam. Sepuluh minit lepas aku call baru la polis datang. Boleh ke camtu? Aku rasa dia datang pun buat syarat je.

I am still traumatized....

Monday, December 01, 2008

Jalan-jalan Kota Bharu

Pantai Irama, Bachok, Kelantan.


1) Rumah Mak Chu best, family Mak Chu best.

2) Shopping gila gila kat Rantau Panjang, Pasar Siti Khadijah, bazaar apa tah lagi, Pak Chu sabar je bawak kami...hehe

3) Jalan puas puas, walaupun hujan. Pantai Cahaya Bulan (ombak dia gerun), Pantai Irama, Bachok (makan kopok lekor, sedap).

4) Tujuan sebenar, hantar Raudhah interview kat Sekolah Tok Guru Nik Aziz - Maahad Darul Anuar kat Pulau Melaka.

5) Toyota KB Branch best, dapat pinjam keta baru, Hakimi Sales Head layan kita dengan baik, very gentleman, dia isi minyak penuh, dia percaya kat kita, takyah isi borang, bagi gitu je kunci keta kat kita. Jumpa orang-orang sales kat sana. Manager En Khairul, Nik kawan Aida... Macam dah kenal lama pulak, padahal first time jumpa tu ...Kita pergi sana naik flight, takde keta, diorang pulak kasi kemudahan yang sangat-sangat berguna. Thank you.

Bila lagi dapat jalan KB.........

KB Sales tengah celebrate birthday member diorang plus meraikan achievement hit target untuk November. Thank you KB, achievement you all, bonus kami!

Dengan Nik Shahrul & Hakimi, dua dua Sales Head KB branch.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bedah hari tu...

Hari ni last MC yang doktor kasi, Isnin mula balik keje. Cukup 21 hari hospitalisation leave. Bagus tul Dr Lim. Thank you! Hysterectomy yang agak bukan minor pun cuma 1-2 day hospital stay and two weeks recovery. Aku punya minor operation pulak dapat three weeks. Kekeke..!!

Pagi 25 Aug tu, lepas register untuk admission, terus masuk wad. Ward 4B, bed 445. Two bedded room. Misi ambik butir2 diri, berat badan, last makan pukul berapa, sakit keturunan semua, salin baju, pastu Pakar bius datang... Anaesthetist Dr Suraiya dengan assistant dia. Dia bagi consultation lebih kurang berkenaan General Anaesthesia. "As a specialist I would suggest you to go for spinal, separuh badan, but you are young, no health problem, we have no problem if you insisted for GA". Terus aku refer kat Jijah since dia ada kat dalam bilik ward tu. Dr Suraiya kata buat apa tanya dia, dia tak tahu. Then Jijah pun mengaku le dia anaes kat Hosp Sungai Buluh.

Aku cakap kat doktor, aku takut. Tak nak la sedar masa operate tu, doktor kata jangan risau, kita semua professional. Then dia tinggalkan aku ngn Jijah utk discuss. Doktor kata kat bawah nanti masih boleh tukar fikiran. At the moment, aku nak GA la.

Jijah kata untuk minor procedure camni, orang amik spinal je. Lagipun ubat bius tu tahan enam jam. Kalau GA, lepas bedah je terus hilang ubat bius dia. Bila hilang, nanti sakit. Spinal tu akan kebaskan kita, kita tak rasa apa-apa. Tapi aku gelabah jugak. Hairil kata GA tu bergantung kat orang, setengah orang it takes time to become fully unconscious. Kalau org tu melawan, boleh ambik masa sejam. Sebab doktor akan masukkan tiub dalam salur pernafasan untuk bernafas melalui mesin. Then, oklah... Spinal.

Naik atas katil sorong tu baring, misi tolak masuk lift sampai turun kat bilik persediaan, Jijah dah tak masuk la kat bilik bawah tu. Jumpa Dr Suraiya aku bagitau dia aku agree untuk Spinal. Tapi boleh tak kasi saya lalok sebab saya takut. Doktor kata takde masalah. Ada tiga pakar bius kat area tu, dengar Dr Suraiya cakap kat diorang, "Her sister is an anaes at Sungai Buloh, she managed to convince her to go for Spinal. Patient insists for Spinal and we'll give her sedation."

Then aku sign consent untuk diberikan bius. Doktor yang amik consent tu Dr Zulkifli, pakar bius jugak, dia tanya aku, kakak ke anaes kat Sg Buloh tu? No, adik.. Dia dah pakar ke? Belum... aku geleng.

Then diorang sorong aku masuk Operation Theater. Sebijik cam dalam drama. Takutnya! Bilik bedah tu agak luas, satu je katil, atas ada lampu yang besar, sejuk nak mampus.

Doktor ngan assistant assistant dia busy busy ngan barang-barang. Dr Lim masuk lambat sikit, sempat berlawak lagi. Then Dr Zulkifli picit picit tangan kanan aku, nak cari vein untuk masukkan tube. Dia tanya aku kidal ke sebab tak jumpa vein. Sejuk doktor. Dia inject tu sakitlah sikit, tapi sikit je. Dia banyak baca bismillah. Dr Zul ni hensem, ada rupa cam Ezam sikit (not that I like him nor Ezam), Dr Suraiya cam Ustazah Syarifah Hayaati penceramah ehwal Islam, both are UKM graduates --bangga!

Then diorang suruh aku bangun duduk, then tunduk abis untuk inject Spinal pulak. Takde la sakit sangat tapi takut, then diorang tanggalkan lengan kiri dress aku, tak ingat pulak bila masa dia inject. Sebelum dia angkat kaki untuk Lithotomic position, aku dah tak sedar apa apa. Last aku nampak jam, pukul 10:30 pagi.

Sedar sedar aku dah dibawa ke recovery room. Tak rasa apa2. Tengah lalok lagi, tapi dalam samar samar tu nampak la jam pukul 11:30 pagi. Sejam! Kat recovery room tu, diorang put up something to keep me warm. Aku tak rasa apa-apa. Dalam 10 minit lepas tu diorang sorong aku keluar. Nampak la Jijah, mak & Hairil. Aku cakap something kat Jijah dia tak dengar. Masa kena sorong tu memang teringatlah drama drama tv, hehehe.. sejibik!

Sampai kat ward aku dah ok. Kaki dah boleh gerak, lunch pun diorang hidangkan. Dari semalam tak makan ni, Jijah kata kalau boleh bangun, bangun, makan. So aku makan...
Then Jijah ciao ngn mak sekali. Dok la tengok tv. Misi kata duduk dalam sehari dua. Kat bawah ni benda yang dikeluarkan. Benda ni takde la menyakitkan sangat, tapi luka kat kulit tu yang ye.. ngeri kalau diingatkan. **Photo dah dibuang atas sebab2 keselamatan.

YouTube video

Tengoklah video kat atas ni, bukanlah rakaman pembedahan aku hari tu. Tapi lebih kurang beginilah keadaannya kot. Jumpa pulak bila cari stapled haemorrhoidectomy kat YouTube.

Lebih kurang pukul 1:00, Bi sampai dengan K.Gie & Rachel. Diorang ni semua colleague kat Toyota. Aku tengah ok masa tu, dapat la sembang2, tapi masih terlantar. After a while, aku sedar dari tidur. Tengok jam pukul 3:30. Aku rasa sakit sangat. Teringat Jijah kata kalau Spinal, ubat dia tahan 6 jam. Ini kesan bius dah habis la ni.

Sakit teramat sangat, aku tak tahan, aku nangis panggil nurse. Dua tiga orang nurse lari lari datang, then sorang inject ubat kat pinggul. Aku pengsan balik. Tapi tak lama, pukul 4 lebih aku sedar balik, rasa nak muntah sangat, earlier misi ada kata kalau nak pergi toilet bangun la sendiri, so aku bangun, dengan kepala pusing gagahkan jugak ke toilet. Aku uwek kat situ, ngn terberak sekali. Tube kat tangan yang masuk air tu pulak dah kehabisan air. Darah mengalir keluar tube, panic laa aku. Aku balik ke katil, berdarah darah bed sheet. Baru aku perasan doktor bubuh dressing kat area tu. Kotor habis semua. Misi bersihkan bed ngn that area. Aku baring balik. Sepanjang panjang tu aku nangis. Nangis real punya la... sakit tu! Aku mintak ubat tahan sakit lagi, diorang tak kasi, takut overdose katanya.

Sampai la ke malam aku menahan... nangis la sorang2. Rasanya orang katil sebelah masuk masa aku tengah nangis. Doktor Lim naik ngn assistant dia tengok aku, tenangkan aku. Masa doktor datang tulah Irene sibuk call buat lawak, baby boy ke girl! Irene secretary boss. Aku struggling dia buat lawak pulak. Rupanya malam tu aku dapat bunga ngan buah dari Toyota. Masa tu Yong & mak ada datang. Nangis la kat mak, sakit!!! (Dah balik rumah, mak kata muka aku pucat masa tu)
Aku memang jenis tak tahan sakit la.. I wonder those who went under major procedure tu camane agaknya diorang rasa bila ubat bius hilang, yang bedah kat perut, kat jantung, kat kepala.. huhuhu!! Moral of the story, if you could opt not to go under surgery, just don't go for it. It's damn painful. (Tapi aku takde pilihan, sengsara tahan rectal bleeding!)

Every few hours, nurse datang ambik blood pressure. Setiap bacaan rendah sesaje. One of the readings sampai serendah 97/54. Jijah kata aku memang darah rendah. Orang normal 110/70.

Selasa pagi Dr Lim datang check. Aku mintak ubat kasi berak sebab tak tahan la perut dah buncit tapi tak dapat berak. Doktor tak kasi, dia kata nanti lagi sakit, makan buah banyak banyak. Dia nak aku berak cara natural. Sakit lah!! (Before operate doktor ada kata kesan bedah ni akan rasa kerap nak ke toilet tapi takde apa2. Betullah, sampai hari ni still rasa yang sama.)
Hari Selasa tu Nuzai datang, officemate datang. Yong ngan Takni ngan budak budak pun datang. Usop ngn Fazilah pun. Jijah kat Tg Karang. Esoknya she'll be off to Cameron for honeymoon.

Rabu Dr Lim check lagi, dia kata tinggal hospital lagi satu hari, sebab kat rumah tak convenient cam kat sini. Dok la terlantar tengok tv. Yang syok tu part tunggu meal dihantar, brother yang hantar makanan tu hensem, hehehe..!! Syifa pun kata, sib baik syifa sempat lawat aku Rabu malam tu, last. Sebab Khamis dah boleh balik. Dah nak tidur, sekali Aziz datang, baru nak sedih, tak jadi sedih, dpt tengok Fuad & Fuadah.

Khamis, Dr Lim check dan kasi discharge.
Masa sign borang tu sempat peek and see the total cost is around RM5,910++
Moral of the story, if you could opt not to.....just don't! Kalau company tak tanggung, abih aa saving. Itu termasuk 4 hari stay kat ward. Huhuhu!

Doktor also kasi hospitalisation leave from 25/8 to 10/9. Come back for check up on the 10th.

Aku dah ready untuk keje on the 11th. Sekali gi check balik ngan doktor, doktor kata masih bengkak lagi, doktor kasi ubat forlax untuk lembutkan najis dan Daflon cukup sampai akhir tahun, MC lagi dua hari.

Dr Lim memang bestlah, dia sentiasa tersenyum, suka cakap melayu, pastu semuanya takde masalah, awak jangan khuatir. Takde masalah.
Thank you doktor.

Sekarang dah tak sakit lagi.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haemorrhoidectomy Surgical Operation

Will be going under staple haemorrhoidectomy procedure on the 25th of August 2008. The surgery will be carried out at Selangor Medical Centre by a Gastro-enterologyst Dr Lim Yaw Tzong. Case of haemorrhoids Grade 2, admission time 9:00am, operation time 10:00am, duration 1/2 an hour. Will be treated as in patient with general anaesthetic given to be completely asleep during the surgery.

The text is copied from: Haemorrhoidectomy Surgery Door - Surgical Operation

What is it?
Piles (haemorrhoids) are the loose lining of skin that bulges out through the ring muscle which holds the back passage shut. They contain big blood vessels which can bleed or clot up and cause pain. The loose skin can produce irritating tags. Haemorrhoidectomy simply means removal of the haemorrhoids.

The Operation
You will probably have a general anaesthetic and be completely asleep. Sometimes you may be given an injection in the back to numb the area. The ring muscle is stretched and the piles are trimmed off. Usually after two or three days, when your bowels have opened, you will feel fit enough to leave hospital provided there is someone to look after you. The wound heals up within a week or two.

Any Alternatives
If you do nothing the piles will stay about as troublesome as they are now or get worse. They will not get better. Instead of cutting off the piles, they can be frozen or nipped off with rubber bands. Overall the best option is to have the piles cut out.

Before the operation
Stop smoking and get your weight down if you are overweight. If you know that you have problems with your blood pressure, your heart, or your lungs, ask your family doctor to check that these are under control. Check the hospital's advice about taking the Pill or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Check you have a relative or friend who can come with you to the hospital, take you home, and look after you for the first week after the operation. Bring all your tablets and medicines with you to hospital. On the ward, you may be checked for past illnesses and may have special tests to make sure that you are ready and that you can have the operation as safely as possible.. Many hospitals now run special preadmission clinics, where you visit for an hour or two, a few weeks or so before the operation for these checks.

After - In Hospital
There is some discomfort on moving rather than severe pain. You will be given injections or tablets to control this as required. Ask for more if the pain is not controlled or if it gets worse. The second day after the operation you should be able to spend most of your time out of bed and in reasonable comfort. You should be able to walk slowly along the corridor. By the end of the first week the wound should be virtually pain-free. A general anaesthetic will make you slow, clumsy and forgetful for about 24 hours. The nurses will help you with everything you need until you are able to do things for yourself. Do not make important decisions during this time.

It is quite normal for the bowels not to open for a day or so after the operation. The first time you open your bowels it may be a bit painful but this rapidly improves. You may also see a small amount of blood mixed with your stool for a few days after the operation. This eventually stops. Once your bowels have opened you can make plans to go home. The discomfort of the operation can make it difficult to pass urine and empty the bladder. It is important that your bladder does not seize up completely. If you cannot get the urine flowing properly after six hours, contact the nurses or your doctor. The wound may have a dressing held on with elasticated net pants. There may be some staining with old blood during the first 12 hours. The dressing will be removed the day after operation and will be replaced with a lighter one. There may be black threads tied round the stumps of the piles. These will drop off by themselves in two or three days. Do not pull them.

There are many different types of dressings for piles. Ask the nurses for details. You can wash the wound area as soon as the dressing has been removed. Soap and tap water are entirely adequate. Salted water is not necessary. You can bathe or shower as often as you wish. Some hospitals arrange a check up about one month after you leave hospital. Others leave check-ups to the general practitioner. The nurses will advise about sick notes, certificates etc.

After - At Home
You are likely to feel very tired and need to rest two to three times a day for a week or more. You will gradually improve so that by the time a month has passed you will be able to return completely to your usual level of activity. It will take a month before your back passage feels normal again. You can drive as soon as you can make an emergency stop without discomfort in the wound, i.e. after about 10 days. You can restart sexual activities within a week or two, when the wound is comfortable enough. You should be able to return to a light job after about one week and any heavy job within two weeks.

Possible Complications
If you have this operation under general anaesthetic, there is a very small risk of complications related to your heart and lungs. The tests that you will have before the operation will make sure that you can have the operation in the safest possible way and will bring the risk for such complications very close to zero.

Complications are rare and seldom serious. If you think that all is not well, let the doctors or the nurses know. The wound is always a bit moist for a week or two. There is likely to be a discharge of yellow matter and even some dark blood on the dressings during this time. Opening your bowels becomes gradually easier particularly if you take a laxative. DO NOT however take bran or a high-fibre diet until the back passage is pain-free in case you end up with a blockage. Occasionally after 7 to 10 days there is more bleeding. Contact your doctor straight away. Rarely, you can have an infection in the wound area which is settled by taking antibiotics for a few days. Occasionally you may notice difficulty controlling the wind or your stool through your back passage. This improves after a day or two. If it doesn’t or if it gets worse it is potentially an indication of the very rare complication of a sphincter injury that took may have taken place during the operation. The sphincters are the muscles that help you control your back passage and obviously if they have been damaged you will partially or completely lose control of you back passage. This might require an operation to fix it. The chance of the piles coming back again is less than 1 in 20. Maintaining good bowel habits by using fibre and water in the diet and avoiding straining can help a lot in preventing the recurrence of piles.

General Advice
In general the operation is much less painful and troublesome than friends and acquaintances would lead you to believe. It will, however, be a month before the wound settles down. We hope these notes will help you through your operation. They are a general guide. They do not cover everything. Also, all hospitals and surgeons vary a little. If you have any queries or problems, please ask the doctors or nurses.

More links:

Some related surgical operation images:
Stapled anopexy (PPH, Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy)

Images sourced from brochures on Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy prepared by Johnson & Johnson Medical.





Saturday, July 12, 2008

Some special dedications

(1) Happy Birthday to Nuzai & Aisyah, being 30 is great... come on

(2) Welcome to this blog Amin

(3) Thank you Ihsan and Dr. Yasmin for a new 'Faridah' you guys have changed me into.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Monday, July 07, 2008

It's July 7th again

...last three years,

I was there...

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Just remember

..there did Allah give you one distress after another by way of requital to teach you not to grieve for that which had escaped you nor for that which had befallen you. And Allah is Well-Aware of all that you do. (Al-Imran:153)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The least one could do is request...

Request for it to be removed altogether...

From the support team...

Well, it never crossed my mind either...

So I don't blame anyone, how could I...

Just that, actually, it is as simple as that...

What? ...

Google my full name...

It still appears in the result list...

But much to my relief, the dirty entry is no longer there...

Thanks to Fotopages support...

Thank God!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Reminisce about a Sweet Birthday Treat

Nothing else is more special than this in this month. Great! Awesome! Thanks to all. A happy start to being 30, right?!! This post is a backdated one, hence the title :)

Ice cream cake bought by Jijah

Farrah & I & Lond

Birthday treat dari Trex, yeke Trex? Thank you very much :)) And congratulation for the award.. award apa ye, hehehe :P

And banyak lagi gambar surprise masa kat office... kat office la tapi gambar gambarnya. Malu ;)) ihik hik

Oh ye.. dan pada hari ini juga, aku dapat anak sedara baru. Anak Abang aku. Anak dia yang nombor empat. Baby girl... comel saaaangat!!! Nurul something, hehehe...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fight Or Flight

Fight Faridah .....!!!

...with whatever's left in you

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is weight discrimination a problem?

These few days, I have been dealing with my inner self. Of course shame and self-loathing are the factors. I got so disturbed I don't want to talk about it, I never wanted to, but it keeps bothering me. Today this newsletter popped up in my mailbox: "Weighing In on 'Fatism' ". I went through the article and read all the comments posted and couldn't help but feel incensedly related to it. Like some of the readers, I too have similar problem. When I was younger and up to 10 years old, I was skinny. Then illness grabbed me by the throat. Medication and that severe illness caused my body not to process carbs and simply store them as fat. Since then I weighed pounds over normal weight and never get back in shape.

See what these readers had to say about it. I copied some from the comments, 'cause I don't want to write it myself. I'd rather let you MY FRIENDS - read what others like me feel. The best is this reader who thinks that others--who have no idea what it's like to be overweight or obese--shouldn't feel as if they have the right to judge anyone for what their weight is. It's easy to point fingers and say degrading things about someone's weight. But it's quite another to befriend that person and try to share with them some real knowledge about how to lose weight. Then and only then, after you've learned about who they are...and have stopped judging them for how they look--should you feel entitled to that low opinion...of someone you now KNOW.

Read on!

April 13, 2008 7:41 PM
Lauren said:
Weight Discrimination is Definitely a Huge Problem in our society. People are Shallow and Cruel, to judge a Human Being by how much they weigh is Ridiculous and should not be allowed to happen. When I was at my heaviest weight of 238 lbs after having a baby people where very cruel to me even going so far as to try to break up my family. Why because they thought they could because they were skinny and I was fat. I also felt invisible no one ever said Hi, Bye, Can I help you, anything, and they rarely made eye contact. I took control of my weight and lost 111 lbs in 10 months, I went from a Size 17 in Womens pants to a Size 7 in Juniors. Guess What those people who were so mean suddenly got nice, and all sorts of people want to talk to me now.
I call SHALLOW there is NO WAY I would ever be friends with anyone who judged or judges a person on how much they weigh. My mom raised me to believe that beauty is skin deep, that saying is the truth. I believe that you can have a weight problem and be Beautiful, I also believe you can be thin and be hideous. In the end we are all exposed for exactly what and who we are. There are bigger people out there in the process of trying to lose weight and better themselves and our society as a majority is going to treat them like they are cows while they are in that process, but the instant that their weight is all gone society as a majority is going to be accepting and try to be friends with these people. WAKE UP people the skinny people they turn into are the same people they were when they were big. I think society needs to Stop judging people on their outward appearances and really try to treat people as human being as we all are.They wouldn't like it if they were on the receiving end and mark my words what goes around comes around.

April 8, 2008 5:57 PM
beth said:
I am one of the "FEW" that actually have reasons for my weight. And yet, regardless of the facts I am told frequently that my problem is eating too much, not exercising, I am attractive and have a great personality, but I am fat. Although there may be a medical reason for the weight, people still do not care. For some reason, society has this feeling of right to tell people that they are fat and that this is the solution. I do not walk around telling skinny people that they are ugly and should eat more or those with large noses to go get a nose job. Why should they feel that their right is to walk around and tell me that their solution would "Fix" me? Just something to think about.

April 8, 2008 10:51 AM
Sarah said:
Society has made it illegal to "discriminate" against people for things which have been points of discrimination for as long as there has been human life. That is just a fact.
Thus, as we are genetically programmed to establish "pecking order" then some criteria for socially-sanctioned discrimination must take the place of the outlawed areas of previous bias against a person. Merely another fact.
The question becomes; Can we overcome our genetic predisposition to "pick-on" another human being for self-serving reassure oneself that one is better than another--based on trivialities? When can we learn to judge another based on character, achievements, established positive traits???etc..?????
The scientists and doctors have been telling us for YEARS and YEARS about the damage that stress does to our bodies. Weight gain is one of the very NATURAL responses to being unable to take "flight or fight"--also disapproved of by "society."
Here the upper eschelon of profit-motivated corporations are so entrenched in WORK COMES FIRST that we are regularly cheated out of even ONE week a year for a vacation. We are not working to live--we are living to work--which is INSANE!--so get thee to a nut-ward! for a well-deserved rest.
OR---expect that you too will one day have more girth than you would like to have. Or if you don't then the stress WILL--and I do mean absolutely positively WILL be expressed otherwise--it MUST come out somehow--its up to you.

Nuzai, you being my closest friend, tell them my abstinence practice. I'm scared of food! But not up to that anorexic level, how could I not eat at all? I'm a human being for God's sake. How could a friend say such... oufh! I can't tell who among you are my friend. I don't ask you to love me. I don't even ask you to accept me, to befriend me. I just appreciate that I had known you. Wishing that it was the person I am that made us friends, not how I look.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'd go anywhere for you
Anywhere you asked me to
I'd do anything for you
Anything you want me to

uhuhuhuhu rinduuu...
ni baru dua minggu kamu takde,
lagi seminggu kursus, jauhnya wei, johor sana
camane sok kalo kamu dah kawen Jah?

eee, kalau dia tau ni malu! syyh, jgn cakap kat dia
ala, dulu masa aku gi UK, aku sendiri tak tau
dah balik sini, masa gi konvo dia, baru tau
masa tu dia kenalkan aku kat kengkawan dia
pastu sorang kawan dia kata "oh inilah kakak awk yg gi UK tu,
dua minggu jijah bengkak bengkak mata lepas akak pegi..."

abih aku sok...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Photography isn't easy...

Nak ambik gambar kucing ni bukannya senang beb. Dah la aku tak reti ngan setting kamera ni. Kucing ni pulak malas nak posing. Aku tunggu je bila dia nak ada mood. Asyik jilat kuku je. Dia buat dek je kat aku. Aku baru beli 5in1 disc reflector kat ebay. Oooh! Dah kembali addicted mengebid. Perasan tak sunlight kat belakang kucing tu? Disc reflector kat depan. Aku guna silver reflector. Tapi matahari pagi tak berapa nak kuat. Nak ambik shot power power tak dapek la. Takat ini je mampu. Kelmarin pergi Genting sekali lagi. Shot shot aku semuanya mengecewakan. Nantilah Nuzai aku upload. Pening semalam tak abis lagi, tengok gambar gambar tu lagi tambah pening. Apasal ek? Aku dah takde mood la, kebelakangan ni semuanya serba tak kena. Masih recovering... Aaaaaa, cannot let go!!

Genting Experience

Continue dengan Genting punya experience. Whoahohoho... horror beb naik skyway tengah tengah malam. Macam dalam seakers lah. Sebelum kita naik kereta kabel tu, hujan lebat, masa tu dalam 10:15pm. Masa kitorang naik, hujan dah berenti. Lima belas minit debor dalam gondola tu. Seram beb! Elok je kitorang step out, tiba tiba it's raining cats and dogs. Sib baik... syukur Alhamdulillah selamat balik kat Hotel Seri Malaysia malam tu. Actuallynya tumpang Jijah punya bilik. Dia ada kursus induksi dua minggu kat situ.

Ini gambar skyway masa siang. Rasanya ni yang kita ambik the next day. Punya le tebal ek hutan dia. Aku tak gayat, tapi kepala pusing lah. Sampai sekarang still berdenyut. Baik aku stop menulis. Soklah sambung...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ponder on death

Narrated Abu Hurairah r.a. : Allah’s Messenger p.b.u.h. said, “None of you should wish for death. If he is a righteous man, perhaps he may add to (his) good works, and if he is a sinner, possibly he may be repentant (in case he is given a longer life).”


It's not that I wish for death. It's just been in my head and I can't help but blurt it out. Last month I got not one free insurance protection but two. I believe you who uses Aeon credit card and a long time Astro subsriber also did get them. They are free, no monthly premium.. but they aren't for long, Aeon for twelve months and Astro for six.

Already I have had another two protections, life insurance and 36 illnesses, haven't counted in the medical coverage by company yet. Lump them up together now with EPF, a sum of over Three Hundred Thousands Ringgit Malaysia is to be paid unto my said heir after my decease. Oh very unlikely I could own that much wealth even if I work my butt off entire life. It occurred to me that this is the most appropriate time for me to get hit by ...nauzubillahiminzaalik. Not that I wish for that... Astaghfirullah al'azim... no, no. It just made me ponder on death a lot, though this isn't the correct way, you know... we should be well aware and prepared, not imagining things as such! Well, like I said, I can't help it. (Why bother buying insurance if I ain't gonna enjoy it... cause I wouldn't know if I'd just be gone or would suffer permanent disability. Besides, I love the ones I'd leave behind, let them not be burdened by my debts.)

No doubt I still have many purposes to serve. I'm not gonna quit even though I realized I've been fretting over continuing my life (despite having learnt so many lessons... yeah I know). Come on, have I been diagnosed cancer or what!? Well, no right? No iffy... no! Umm, but neither have I been diagnosed cancer free. The potential is there.

In fact every second I sit behind my wheels, cruising on the road, maneuvering through traffic, be it heavy or smooth... hazard may await. I'm scared. Truth be told, I am scared! But as believers, we must remember that the world, life of this, is nothing but play and amusement, a deceiving enjoyment. [Quran V.6:32; 29:64; 47:36; 57:20] Little is the enjoyment of the world than the Hereafter. [9:38; 13:26; 28:60] The righteous person will be glad to meet Him. But I have no good deeds to present. I beg Your Mercy, ya Wasi'ăl-Karŏmi.

God, when You take me, when it's time to return, take me bi husnil khaatimah. Please, please Allah, do not take me bi su'il khaatimah.

You guys, shouldn't we contemplate on death a lot? Let's seek guidance together for I'm not the wise guy to give tazkirah here. Fear our Lord, shiver from it when Quran is recited and be heard, fall prostrate and weep. [39:2; 19:58] But despair not of the Mercy of Allah. [39:23; 12:87] Hasten on to do good deeds. Do not procrastinate. The hour is close.

Guys, forgive me if I have wronged you. And do guide me for I have made so many mistakes in life.

** Warning: Today, technology is helping bring Islam into the homes of millions of people, Muslim and otherwise. There is a blessing in all this of course, but there is a real danger that Muslims will fall under the impression that owning a book or having a database is equivalent to being a scholar of Islam. This is a great fallacy. Therefore, be aware that the technology is merely a tool, and not a substitute for learning, much less scholarship in Islam.

[As stated by University of Southern California
MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts

Thursday, January 24, 2008

PhD... does it sound fantasy?

With Farrah's consent, I wrote this post to wake myself up, this is for real! Apa keje la Kak Fidah ni pegi publish email Farrah kat sini ek. Ala Farrah, bukan ada orang baca pun blog akak ;)
Akak sangat2 excited dengan Farrahnyer progress. Bestnya! Akak tak tau mana pergi my determination. Tak taulah apa yang hinder me from making it happen. Keje ke? Nak kata ambitious-tak pun, main2 je keje. Responsibility? Hmm, saperlah yang depending no kat aku ni kan, ada tak ada pun seruper je. Don't know what, yang aku tau there is something... takpe, forget it.

Farrah ni expert dalam Remote Sensing (akak silap, ingatkan Geoinformatics, kekeke, lain eh). Dia ni graduate first class masa kat UTM dulu, mana ada orang senang senang leh grad first class kat sana. Memang genius. Seronok akak tau bila awak share share ngan akak. Dulu kata nak apply Minnesota, tapi macam nak ke Texas lak ni eh? Colorado tu sounds good jugak. Nevermind, comes what may, you've got a husband as your best companion. (Takleh la aku nyibuk, hehehe)

Diana, aku tak rasa aku lama kat Toyota, tu pasal la aku tak berani nak commit to any long-term loans ngn company ni. Tu pasal la jugak aku 'password-protect'kan blog ni. Kang boss aku baca, uhuhuhu....

There were times I thought this would not be just a dream... hmm do you sense an Antarctic-sized "but" coming along.

PhD... why does it sound fantasy, 'cause it ain't no easy!


From: Farrah Melissa Muharam []
Sent: Mon 1/7/2008 6:43 PM
To:; Maas, Stephen
Subject: PhD Opportunity - Initial Discussion

Dear Prof. Stephan J. Maas,
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for allocating a few minutes of your time to entertain this email.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Farrah Melissa and I am a Malaysian citizen. Currently, I am a tutor at the University Putra Malaysia, one of the public universities in my country. I am attached to the Department of Agricultural Technology and a member of the Precision Agriculture research interest group. The reason I write you is to discuss any possibility for me to be attached as a PhD candidate at your institution and to have you as my supervisor for my PhD study. I came to know about you through your extensive publications on Remote Sensing related studies during my research background study.

As for my academic background, I was awarded a BSc. (Remote Sensing) from a local university and an M.Sc. (Remote Sensing) from the University College of London (UCL), United Kingdom in 2005. After graduating from UCL, I exposed myself to the palm oil plantation industry for 2 years, researching on yield monitoring and nutrient assessment using Remote Sensing and GIS technologies before I made the decision to contribute and to expand my skill sets by joining the academic world.

My area of interest is to apply Remote Sensing and GIS for crop monitoring/crop yield mapping/crop yield estimation and crop nutrient assessment/management. I am also interested in implementing Remote Sensing Image Processing for vegetation information extraction. Attached is my resume for your further reference.

It will be my great pleasure if you can consider my application to pursue my PhD project under your reputable supervision and thus allowing me to gain precious experiences while working together with your research team. I hope that we can further discuss this matter.

Your kind attention is highly appreciated. I am looking forward for your respond.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Farrah Melissa

From: Maas, Stephen
Date: 9 Jan 2008 03:12
Subject: RE: PhD Opportunity - Initial Discussion
To: Farrah Melissa Muharam

Ms. Muharam-
Thank you for inquiring about a PhD program at Texas Tech University. I am very impressed with the information you provided in your resume. Please allow me to review your material over the next few days to assess how well you might fit into the program here, and to determine if funds would be available for an assistantship to support you. When were you thinking about starting a PhD program--in the summer or fall of this year, or the spring of next year?

-Steve Maas

From: Farrah Melissa Muharam
Date: 9 Jan 2008 08:42
Subject: Re: PhD Opportunity - Initial Discussion
To: "Maas, Stephen"
Dear Prof. Maas,
Firstly, I would like to thank you for your reply and concern. It is my pleasure to inform you that I will be awarded a funding assistantship from Malaysian Education Ministry if my application is successful. The assistantship will include tuition fees, personal allowances, equipment allowance and health insurance. Yet, this excludes research activities expenses such as traveling and data collection. I have in mind to start the PhD program within this year, if possible. Again, many thanks for your kind response and I hope to further discuss on this opportunity.

Thank you
Best regards
Farrah Melissa

From: Maas, Stephen
Date: 10 Jan 2008 02:47
Subject: RE: PhD Opportunity - Initial Discussion
To: Farrah Melissa Muharam

Ms. Muharam-
Thanks for your reply. If you have funding through your own assistantship, that would make it easier for you to join my program here at Texas Tech and study whatever topic you were interested in. I am checking with the University administrators regarding how we could handle your situation, particularly with regard to whether you would qualify for "in-state" tuition (which is much less than the tuition normally paid by foreign students). I hope to have this information tomorrow.

If you were to start in the fall of this year, there are also some university fellowships that you can apply for here at Texas Tech that could help pay your costs here.

Can you email to me a copy of your college transcripts showing what courses you took in your undergraduate and Master's programs? This would not have to be an "official" copy from the universities (a scanned photocopy will do). This will help me decide if you might be a good candidate for my program here.

I will contact you again when I've heard from my university administrators.
-S. Maas
From: Maas, Stephen
Date: 12 Jan 2008 06:13
Subject: RE: PhD Opportunity - Initial Discussion
To: Farrah Melissa Muharam

Ms. Muharam-

I have found out that, since you would have an assistantship from your Education Ministry, you would qualify for in-state tuition at Texas Tech. In-state tuition is significantly less than out-of-state tuition.

I am curious about how the assistantship from your Education Ministry would be handled. Will they pay you a fixed amount (like a monthly salary), or will they pay you back for expenses (like tuition and insurance) that you incur? As you probably would guess, the cost of living in the United States is rather high. Typically, my Ph.D. students receive around 1500 to 1800 $US per month from the research assistantships that they have from me. This should give you an idea of what it costs to live and go to school here. Here at Texas Tech, we are very concerned that foreign students have sufficient funds to be able to live a reasonable life while they are here in the U.S.

Please remember to get me those copies of your transcripts.

Have a good day!
-S. Maas

From: R. Khosla
Date: 20 Jan 2008 11:00
Subject: Re: Malaysian PhD student
To: Farrah Melissa Muharam
Cc: "Nelson,Carissa"
Dear Farrah Melissa:
Greetings! My apologies for not responding to you sooner. You may have seen my auto-generated email that I am traveling overseas for my sabbatical. I have intermittent and limited email access during my travels.

Thank you for your email and interest in graduate program in Precision Agriculture at Colorado State University (CSU). Congratulations on earning a scholarship from your government for Ph.D. degree program. Indeed, your academic background, preparation and credentials are quite impressive.

CSU has a strong graduate program in the area of your interests, spanning from site-specific nutrient management using a suite of active remote-sensors (hand-held, air-borne, and satellite based) to site-specific precision manure management, weed management, integrated pest and disease management, etc, using a suite of precision technologies. I have several graduate students and one of my recent Ph.D. graduate students did extensive crop monitoring using hand-held active remote sensors and satellite imagery for yield estimation, he recently finished his graduate degree and is now working for Natural Renewable Energy Lab. You may choose to continue his work further if you would like. Alternatively, we tailor make the graduate degree program for each and every graduate student to best meet their need and area of research interest.

I realize you have a scholarship from your government, however, in addition, we may be able to offer you a "recruitment scholarship" based on your credentials. You would be a very competitive for that scholarship as well. When do you plan to start on your Ph.D. graduate program? Have you had a chance to write your TOEFL and GRE exams? Please let me know and we can send you the application material or you can apply online as well.

Thanking you for your interest and looking forward to hearing from you.
Raj Khosla
Dr. R. Khosla
Associate Professor, Precision Agriculture
Associate Editor, Soil Science Society of America Journal
Chair, International Precision Agriculture Conference 2008-2010

Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
C13 Plant Sciences Building
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO 80523
Voice: (970) 491-1920
Fax: (970) 491-2758

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Cracked Pot

From a cousin of mine, who knew what I've been through
When I slipped down a steep incline, nearly lost hold of grounding truth
There he rose steadily out from the murky haze
Pulled me solemnly then told straight to my face
Though not in our favour the circumstances behave
Devotedly in humility must we seek His Grace

Here how the story goes...

An elderly chinese woman had two large pots
each hung on the ends of pole
which she carried across her neck

One of the pots had a crack in it
while the other pot was perfect and always
delivered a full portion of water

At the end of the long walk
from the stream to the house
the cracked pot arrived with only half full

For full two years this went on daily
with the woman bringing home
only one and a half pots of water

Of course the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments
but the poor cracked pot was ashamed
of its own imperfection and miserable
that it could only do half of what it had been made to do

After two years of it perceived to be bitter failure
it spoke to the woman one day by the stream
"I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in
my side causes water to leak out
all the way back to your house

The old woman smiled
"Did you notice that there are flowers
on your side of the path
but not on the other pot's side?

"That's because I've always known about your flaw.
So I planted flower seeds on your side of the path,
and every day while we walk back, you water them.

"For two years I have been able to pick these
beautiful flowers to decorate the table.
Without you being just the way you are
there would not be this beauty to grace the house.

Each of us have own unique flaw.
But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make
our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.
You've just got to take each person for what they are
and look the good in them.

* * *

He Who Brings about both Laughter and Tears

"And that it is He Who makes (whom He wills) laugh, and makes (whom He wills) weep. "( An-Najm, 53:43)

Believers know that Allah creates whatever they experience and thus are pleased with Him in all circumstances, no matter how difficult. Knowing that mundane things are transitory, they do not grieve over any loss, for they know that their moral excellence will be fully rewarded in the Hereafter. Moreover, Allah promises believers the best life in this world.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Inartistic touch from the hand of...

My passion for art never fades away though I'm lack of proper lesson. These are some digital reproduction of the illustrations I made a while ago. Two of my most precious drawings had been submitted to Faculty of Built Environment UTM in preparation for admission to the Department of Architecture. Back then, I wasn't given freedom to choose my own path. But I have faith that every creature on earth has provision guaranteed by God.
I ended up being an architect after all—a computer system architect.

white hat galsquirrelhorselionessrichard deanshahrukhunisbilal
basker's son

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Lepaskan Kembali Aku Ke Laut

"... Tidak jauh rupanya semua tempat dariku. Segala-gala di bawah langit ini ada kaitan sesama sendiri dan semua manusia seperti saudara dan jiran tetangga sahaja. Hairan, kenapa tidak aku sedari tentang dekatnya dunia ini dengan diriku?"
Dari mimpi Leftenan Muda Usmal

... Tidak lama kemudian, Puan MacGillivray, setelah cukup lama bermesra dengan tetamu-tetamu di kumpulannya, meminta diri, dan bergerak pula ke kumpulan suaminya yang ketika itu sedang berbincang darihal bendera baru Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

"Kenapa diikutinya rupa bendera Amerika Syarikat?" tanya Puan Bourne, "kenapa tidak diikutnya rupa Union Jack?" Tanya balik Jeneral Bourne kepada isterinya "jika diikuti Union Jack, soal pula orang, kenapa diikutinya Union Jack?"
"Negara ini ada kaitannya dengan Britain, tetapi tidak ada sedemikian kaitannya dengan Amerika Syarikat, bukankah bendera Australia dan bendera New Zealand berasaskan Union Jack?"
"Bendera hanya lambang. Mungkin kepada orang-orang di sini rupa bendera baru itu membawa pengertian yang penting kepada mereka. Mungkin semangat kemerdekaan yang ada pada orang-orang Amerika dahulu terdapat pada bendera itu. Lagipun apa sebab nak diikutinya Union Jack, orang-orang Tanah Melayu pada ketika ini sudah hilang cintanya terhadap Britain."
Dari perbualan Pegawai-pegawai British di King's House, 11 Julai 1954

Novel oleh Shaari Isa ini menggambarkan masyarakat Tanah Melayu di sekitar tahun 1954 hingga 1957 iaitu suasana ketika negara hampir mencapai kemerdekaan. Corak kehidupan lima golongan anggota masyarakat waktu itu diceritakan dengan amat teliti. Golongan tersebut adalah pentadbiran British, pejuang kemerdekaan, anggota tentera, rakyat jelata dan pengganas komunis.

Gambaran kehidupan rakyat ketika itu dengan jelas dapat saya rasai apatah lagi latarbelakang cerita adalah sekitar Kampung Bharu, tempat saya membesar dan bersekolah. Padang Kelab Sultan Sulaiman adalah betul betul di hadapan sekolah saya, Sekolah Menengah Puteri Wilayah. Saya mula mengenali novel ini lama dulu, sebaik habis persekolahan, kalaulah saya baca dari awal, tentu saya cemerlang dalam matapelajaran sejarah. Menduduki SPM di KISAS, saya cuma lulus sejarah dengan P7. Sekarang baru ada rasa patriotik.

Sangat digalakkan sebagai bahan bacaan untuk remaja di alam persekolahan.

Kenapa tiba tiba nak tulis pasal novel ni? Sebab masa tengah tengok berita kat RTM1 tadi, ada sedutan drama adaptasi novel ni. Jadi, terus tulis....